Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Break Homework!

9 Characteristics of Dystopian Fiction
  1. Propaganda is used to control the citizens.
  2. Independent thought and freedom are restricted.
  3. A concept or idea is valued by the people.
  4. Citizens are under constant surveillance.
  5. Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
  6. Citizens conform to uniformed expectations.
  7. Society is a false illusion of a perfect Utopian world.
  8. Symbols (people. places and objects) represent something greater.
  9. An overall theme includes a strong message for today’s world.
Your plot diagram needs to be developed and your storyboard done for Monday. The storyboard should be 10-12 boxes, doesn't need to be super artistic or colored. This just gets us to map things out.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Homework 11/23

Fill in Plot Diagram for your short story.....due tomorrow.

Can leave foreshadowing blank and change external/internal conflict to just conflict.

Have a great night!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Dystopian Government Questions

Questions to ponder when developing Dystopian Government Graphic Organizer
Government Control:
  • How can a government control its people?
  • Which freedoms are removed by the government for the “good of the people”?
Characteristics of Government

  • What will your government officials look like? How do they differentiate themselves from the rest of the population?
  • What are some specific actions taken by the government that show its ultimate control over the people?

The Implied Message:
  • What fears do people hold about releasing too much control to a governing entity?
  • Why are you telling this story? What should people learn?
  • How do people feel about the role of government in people’s lives?
The Narrator’s Point of View
  • How have the new government controls affected the narrator? How have the affected those the narrator knows and cares about?
  • How does the narrator feel about the current state of his or her society?
  • How will the narrator react to the circumstances?

Homework 11/20

Finish your graphic organizer, then choose which story you will do based on the questions below.

Which story will you choose?

  1. Which story will best convey a message you wish to impart on readers?
  2. Which story do you feel you would be most successful in developing further? Why?
  3. What in the future do you wish to prevent? Why?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Homework 11/18

Fill in your Apocalyptic Graphic Organizer for class tomorrow!

  • 5 bullets per column
  • Need to have an understanding of your topic
  • Don't be generic, be specific
  • Give detail about what is going on with characters, setting, events

Read this story for class tomorrow!