Friday, December 18, 2015

Homework 12/18

Dialogue WS is due on Monday.  It is very easy to make errors on these, please see me in homeroom/team study to get any questions answered.  Don't go through them too quickly.

Your rough draft of your paper is due on Tuesday.  The final product needs to be double spaced, Arial, 11 pt.

Have a good weekend!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Homework 12/14

You need to have 2-3 paragraphs written for tomorrow. The first is the history of dystopia and then your lead (action, setting, or dialogue). You may need to combine or mix up the order. You just need to get these paragraphs done, they will be edited down the road. Don't panic! Here is info from the presentation today:

Point of View:

  1. Third Person Limited: Narrator is outside the story.

They can see one person’s thoughts.

“You do?” Kayla questioned. He didn’t often show that kind of hurt to others. No one would ever guess how he felt. She certainly hadn’t.

  1. Third Person Omniscient: Narrator is outside the story.
They can see multiple people’s thoughts.
It scared her, the way he looked at her. As though she was the only piece of his world that made sense. What she didn’t know was that he had ulterior motives...ones he would show her soon enough, he thought with a fake smile plastered upon his face.

History of Dystopia:
Give readers an idea of what they are walking into:

It has been sixty-four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure.  Everyone else in my family has had the procedure already.  My older sister, Rachel, has been disease free for nine years now.  She’s been safe from love for so long, she says she can’t even remember it’s symptoms.  I’m scheduled to have my procedure in exactly ninety-five days, on September 3rd.  My birthday.

~Delirium, Lauren Oliver~

Setting Lead:

Tally Youngblood was waiting for darkness. She could see New Pretty Town through her open window. The party towers were already lit up, and snakes of burning torches marked flickering pathways through the pleasure gardens. A few hot-air balloons pulled at their tether against the darkening pink sky, their passengers shooting safety fireworks at other balloons and passing para-sailers. Laughter and music skipped across the water like rocks thrown with just the right spin, their edges just as sharp against Tally’s nerves. Around the outskirts of the city, cut off from town by the black oval of the river, everything was in darkness. Everyone ugly was in bed now.  

~Uglies, Scott Westerfield~

Action Lead:

Albert Fern stared down at his hands, which were trembling. He could feel small beads of sweat collecting in the crevices of his forehead, lines etched over the years from concentration which provided him with a face that looked older than his 70 years. Seventy years, he found himself thinking. It had gone by so quickly, much of it spent in this very lab, the place he loved the best, searching for answers. For breakthroughs. For…He wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his lab coat. There was no doubt about it - he’d done the test twenty times and still the same result was forcing itself on him. He had the cure, the cure for cancer, the cure that would save his daughter’s life, and yet with the cure came something...else.  Something incredible. Something terrifying.

~The Legacy, Gemma Malley~

Dialogue Lead:

I pace in our cell in Erudite headquarters, her words echoing in my mind: My name will be Edith Prior, and there is much I am happy to forget.
“So you’ve never seen her before? Not even in pictures?” Christina says, her wounded leg propped up on a pillow.  She was shot during our desperate attempt to reveal the Edith Prior video to our city.  At the time we had no idea what it would say, or that it would shatter the foundation we stand on, the factions, our identities.  “Is she a grandmother or an aunt or something?”
“I told you, no,” I say, turning when I reach the wall.  “Prior is--was--my father’s name, so it would have to be on his side of the family.  But Edith is an Abnegation name, and my father’s relatives must have been Erudite, so…”

~Allegiant, Veronica Roth~

Friday, December 4, 2015

Homework 12/4

Your storyboard that is due on Monday.  Remember to check the final product by the rubric.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Setting Homework 12/3

Answer the following questions with detail and description!

Describe the setting through your senses.
  • What is the time of day, year, and geographic location
  • What do you see, smell, taste?
  • Feelings within the story: touch as well as internal feelings related to the scene
  • Technology involved: environmental details within the scene

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Character Sketch Homework 12/1

 Please make a chart on a piece of paper and fill in the following info for your main character.
Harrison Bergeron
Reader Notes
Physical characteristics
  • 14 yrs old- a teenagaer
  • strong, athletic, attractive
  • removes his handicaps
  • escapes from jail
  • takes over ballet on national TV & dances w/o handicaps
  • yells that he is the Emperor
  • doesn’t believe in government control & the equalizing of all people
  • wants freedom & glory
  • dances with the ballerina & removes her handicaps as well
Personality Traits
  • highly intelligent, clever
  • rebellious, passionate