Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Conferences 2016

Welcome parents! Your student will lead you through the conference today.  Please grab an iPad/folder and find a seat in Ms. Martens' or Mrs. Yarbro's room.  Teachers will be available during conferences,  be patient as we try to touch base with parents in both rooms.  Students are more than welcome to flag any teacher down to help answer a question about concepts, grades, or attitude! Enjoy!

1)  Open your blog in Safari

2)  Share your grades with your parents. Report cards are now available on Skyward, please access through the iPad (directions on each desk).

3)  Show them your blog and the work you have been doing this year.  Show them the samples in your folder for each class.
Comm Arts:  Simple Subject/Predicate Quiz, Dialogue W.S.
Math: Review W.S., Chapter 6 Quiz
Soc. St.: Discuss colonization simulation that we just started, Disease Journal Entry
Sci: Bring your parents to your atomic model and explain it to them.

4)  Share with your parents what you are doing in your specials classes (foreign language, wood shop, art, gym, band, choir, business).  What are your favorite parts of these classes, why?

5) Go over field trip permission slip and Bullying Policy.  Please feel free to ask teachers about either document.

6) Touch base with any teachers needed and thank your parents for attending.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homework 1/20

1/2 page written: what is a theme in "The Declaration?" Use examples to support you reasoning.

Quiz on second half of the book tomorrow!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Homework 1/15 & Helping Verbs

Worksheet is due Monday, come in Monday if you have questions/need to check a few.

Here are the helping verbs:

Monday, January 11, 2016

Homework 1/11

Book Covers

Back Covers

Rough draft of front and back due tomorrow.  You will then get Tuesday and Wednesday to work on the final copy in class.

Good luck!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Note on Story

On Friday, you will get the first 10-15 minutes to wrap up editing.  Feel free to have people peer edit in Go Time or Team Study!

You will get the rest of class to finish making corrections.  Your final paper is due on Monday.  If you finish it on Friday, turn it in!  I don't want people to forget:).

Block D your paper is due on FRIDAY!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Homework 1/6

Please remember you need to have a new printed copy of your story with self-editing revisions made on it.

Don't throw out your self-edit!  Thursday will be peer editing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Homework 1/5

You need to have gone through and done each of the categories on the self editing by tomorrow.  If you have questions, feel free to see me.  Remember you can come in to do a teacher edit on the first page if you want.  You can do that during team study, Go Time, lunch, or Flex Hour.

Self Edit Presentation